In the months of November thru March we primarily use live bait, light tackle and fish for the Atlantic sailfish. On the surface, in addition to sailfish, we will catch dolphin (mahi-mahi), tuna, wahoo, cobia, and other species. The sailfish being a billfish is catch and release, it also is one of the fastest fish in the ocean putting on an acrobatic show when hooked up. The sailfishing is done approximately 5 miles offshore, just outside the main reef line that protects the Florida Keys. Key Largo, with its numerous coral reefs, offers some of the finest sailfishing in the world.
In the months of November thru March we primarily use live bait, light tackle and fish for the Atlantic sailfish. On the surface, in addition to sailfish, we will catch dolphin (mahi-mahi), tuna, wahoo, cobia, and other species. The sailfish being a billfish is catch and release, it also is one of the fastest fish in the ocean putting on an acrobatic show when hooked up. The sailfishing is done approximately 5 miles offshore, just outside the main reef line that protects the Florida Keys. Key Largo, with its numerous coral reefs, offers some of the finest sailfishing in the world.