La Marea


La Marea is the cornerstone of the Playa Largo Resort’s culinary experience. The cooking brings freshness, from its roots planted firmly in the Florida Keys. “The Tide” is rising with honest seasonal ingredients prepared with passion. We are redefining regional cooking using local farmers, artisan suppliers, fisherman and our own seaside herb garden. Come for the sunshine, saltwater and enjoy your evenings with our superb cuisine served with genuine hospitality. Our mission is to celebrate local foods and foster a more sustainable food supply. Embrace seasonality, preserve diversity and traditional practices, and support local food economies. We truly focus on what we have in our own backyard. The principal of sustainability rests in the fact that although we must meet the needs of the present, we must also do so without compromising the needs of generations to come

La Marea


La Marea is the cornerstone of the Playa Largo Resort’s culinary experience. The cooking brings freshness, from its roots planted firmly in the Florida Keys. “The Tide” is rising with honest seasonal ingredients prepared with passion. We are redefining regional cooking using local farmers, artisan suppliers, fisherman and our own seaside herb garden. Come for the sunshine, saltwater and enjoy your evenings with our superb cuisine served with genuine hospitality. Our mission is to celebrate local foods and foster a more sustainable food supply. Embrace seasonality, preserve diversity and traditional practices, and support local food economies. We truly focus on what we have in our own backyard. The principal of sustainability rests in the fact that although we must meet the needs of the present, we must also do so without compromising the needs of generations to come