Cuban Crafters' Boutique Premium Cigars are meticulously crafted in small batches, undergoing a thorough seven-part labor-intensive process to ensure the highest quality. Every detail in the cigar-making process is given meticulous attention, from seed to the finished product. With 200 acres of tobacco fields and over 325 skilled employees, Cuban Crafters stands out as a premium tobacco grower and boutique cigar maker. Unlike mass-market counterparts, each cigar is handcrafted with the discerning cigar aficionado in mind. Tabacalera Esteli, located in Nicaragua, benefits from rich soil and ideal tobacco growing conditions, producing cigars that rival the renowned quality of Cuban cigar
Cuban Crafters' Boutique Premium Cigars are meticulously crafted in small batches, undergoing a thorough seven-part labor-intensive process to ensure the highest quality. Every detail in the cigar-making process is given meticulous attention, from seed to the finished product. With 200 acres of tobacco fields and over 325 skilled employees, Cuban Crafters stands out as a premium tobacco grower and boutique cigar maker. Unlike mass-market counterparts, each cigar is handcrafted with the discerning cigar aficionado in mind. Tabacalera Esteli, located in Nicaragua, benefits from rich soil and ideal tobacco growing conditions, producing cigars that rival the renowned quality of Cuban cigar